Monday, July 2, 2012

The X Factor

In order to succeed you have to be greater than the next. Not only that, but you need to have something that sets you apart from the rest of the crowd. You need an x factor! An x factor is something about you that stands out. Maybe you can grasp it, or maybe its intangible. Some people are born with it, and others have to work on it. No matter how or when you are aware of it, the point is you need to be aware of it and use it to your advantage in order to be at your full potential. Like I said before some people are just born with a certain je ne sais quoi. They have something about them that is attractive and stands out. It could be their personality, intelligence, or something that they do very well. For this person, it doesn't take much for them to stand out, and people are naturally attracted to them. For them, being a stand-out is organic and never forced. On the other hand, there are people who need to do a little soul searching before they figure out what's special about them. These are the people who try too hard to fit in/stand out or someone who isn't all that memorable. It doesn't mean anything is wrong with them, it's just they haven't found out who they really are. Some people figure it out when they are young, while it may take others well into middle age to find their personal "it" factor. No one can really tell you how to be you, but once you find you it will be obvious. If you haven't found your x factor, try to spend some time alone with yourself. Meditate, ask yourself questions, and do like you would normally do if you were getting to know someone else. It may not come to you overnight, but it will help give you a new perspective of yourself. Just remember that people like genuine people, and that will help you in just about every facet of your life. Learn who you are and then learn to love yourself. You will be great!

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