Thursday, July 5, 2012

Materializing Irrelevant Things

So I have a few problems with the way society is turning out to be. It's been like this forever though, people trying to keep up with the Jones'. However, I feel like now we're taking it to a whole other level. When I turn on the radio all I hear is constant bragging about things they have and the stuff I don't. Like really, who cares if you haven a condo around your neck and wrist? That's not going to get you very far if that's all you have to brag about. On the other hand, I don't have as much of a problem with that as I do with how it influences the younger generation. It makes an impression on them that in order for them to be worth anything they have to have certain things. Then they go so far as to sell their souls to acquire stuff that don't even matter in the real world. In 30 years no one is going to care about how many cars you have or how many diamonds are in your Rolex. It's irrelevant to them if you don't have any knowledge. This problem isn't limited to hip-hop either. It's evident in just about every reality show with women showing off their opulent lifestyles by dropping designer names and making money their life. The truth is there is so much more to life than that. If all you care about is material things, what's going to happen when they fade away? Knowledge is the one thing that no one can take away from you. If you are rich in that, then you can be rich in anything, but aspiration is key. Don't just aspire to have something just so you can brag about it. Aspire to gain knowledge and be successful. Remember success doesn't come because of what you have, but it comes from the things you do. So aspire to be more than what you see, and you will gain a lot more than material things.

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