Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Dr. Phil once said "there is no virtue in allowing toxic behavior". It got me thinking about when people take advantage of other people and call it asking for "favors", and the person who thinks that they are doing good ends up being blindly taken advantage of. When you think that putting up with someone's outrageous behavior will earn you good karma you are not only enabling them, but you are disabling yourself. That means you are allowing people to use you, and that is not a commendable act. I'm not talking about lending ten dollars here or picking someone up from work a few times there. I mean if you "helping" someone leads to a negative impact on either them or you. Even if they are family, don't feel obligated to do it. It's ok to just say no sometimes, especially if it's something that's out of your character. Below are some guidelines that I personally follow when it comes to determining if what I'm doing for someone is virtuous or detrimental.
  • Don't lend out money to friends if you cannot afford for them NOT to pay you back
  • If it could lead to time in jail then I'd advise on not doing it.
  • If the person won't reciprocate the favor then you should not try to justify helping them out.
  • If they say it's a one time thing (i.e, borrowing money) and they keep coming back for more, then thats a red flag for them taking advantage of you.
  • Don't do anything that will put more stress on you.
  • Don't do anything that would compromise your character.
  • Trust the company you keep and trust yourself. If either one of those is missing in the situation then take heed and listen to your conscience. 
Take everything by a case by case basis. Some situations are difficult to handle, and things are not always either black or white. However, it is your responsibility to be the voice of reason if someone is asking for something from you.

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