Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ponder on This!

This year has gone by so fast! We are more than halfway through 2012, and most of us have broken many of the resolutions that we made when the year first began. The first problem that I have with this is that some people only set goals for the new year, which happens only once every 365 days. The other thing that bothers me is why do a lot of people set, somewhat reasonable, goals for themselves and then give up shortly after? So you start off really excited at the beginning of the year and make all of these plans, and by February or March you've fell off the bandwagon with no plans to return until next January? That doesn't make any sense at all! It doesn't matter if you've set goals and have failed at attempting to reach them, you have got to give yourself a fighting chance by trying it again before the next new year comes around. I know that I haven't kept my new year's promise to myself by going to the gym everyday like I was in the beginning of the year; however, I still have my gym membership and I plan to rehash my resolution to get back into shape. I've realized even though summer is over that it's still not too late to work out and get ready for winter. So back to the gym I go. Now everyone's goal may not be as simple as mine, but that's still not a reason to completely push it aside and give up on yourself. Challenge yourself to resurrect the goals that you had set for yourself at the start of this year, and make sure that you reach them before this year is over. Ponder on that, and then put that thought into action. What do you have to lose?

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