Monday, April 30, 2012

How do You Eat an Elephant?

Being a young entrepreneur is not in the least as glamorous as it sounds. It's a lot of hard work and you're constantly on the go. You don't have time to do the things a normal person can do because you're too busy trying to make a better life for yourself. All of this can become very overwhelming very fast. So what do you do? You can't panic because that won't do anything but make the situation worse. You have to stay cool, calm, and collected at all times. Just ask yourself this: How do you eat an elephant? The answer is simple, one bite at a time.

Most of us aren't established enough to have assistants to help us with our projects; we are essentially in this on our own. So imagine that you have a deadline to meet, and you have a million things that you need to do in order to make that deadline. You can't do everything at once. You have to take it step by step. You may have 30 things that you need to get done by tomorrow and its already 11:45pm, but now is not the time to freak out. The most successful people in this world seem to be carefree. Even though that could be so far from the truth, at least they don't show it. Once you start to panic then you start to fear, and people can smell fear from a mile away. So instead of panicking, be proactive. Start with the most urgent thing and work your way down your list of to-do's until you finish it all.  You may be starving and sleep deprived, but that's just some of the sacrifices you have to make.

Although your work load may seem as big as an elephant, it is doable. Take the simple approach and do things step by step. It's less overwhelming when you focus on things one at a time as opposed to looking at the big picture. Learn how to be more efficient in what you do, and things won't seem so bad. Find a system that's right for you and stick to it. Once your hustle has paid off then you can hire someone to do all the dirty work for you, but until then grab a fork and star chewing!

To join the Sleep is 4 Suckers movement and purchase your Sleep is 4 Suckers gear Click here.
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @martacious @sleepis4suckers @si4s

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


No matter how much we want something and how bad we work to achieve it, sometimes it takes a toll on our mentality, and we begin to get weary and indifferent. When that happens there is only one thing that we need: motivation. Sometimes our dreams are so big that we can't get there without something pushing us towards it. I know for most people, monetary rewards are the most exciting, but what happens when that no longer matters anymore? Money can't and won't always be your motivation; therefore, you should always have something more substantial to motivate you when money just won't do. Look at Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, for example. When they started acting I'm sure it was all about the money. Big budget films for big paychecks. However, once they reached a certain point of success to where they were more than financially stable, money probably didn't matter as much anymore. As of lately, instead of making movies for their own personal gain, they have been focusing on giving back to society by helping third-world countries and setting up charities. It's obvious that that has become their motivation now. I'm challenging you to be motivated by something less shallow than monetary gains. Even though money is important (especially if you don;t have any) there is always something that is bigger. Something that will not only benefit you, but also benefit other people. So, what will be your motivation be? Think outside the box and see where it takes you.

To join the Sleep is 4 Suckers movement and purchase your Sleep is 4 Suckers gear Click here.
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @martacious @sleepis4suckers @si4s

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Making The Decision to Sacrifice

Name your long term and short term goals. Do you know what you will need to do in order to achieve them? You may have somewhat of an idea. Now, think of the things that you will CHOOSE to give up in order reach those goals. A little harder, right? Choosing to sacrifice is harder said than done. No one in their right minds would want to give up something that they're accustomed to having, but sometimes we have to do it so that we can get to where we want to be. Everything worth having requires some type of sacrifice, no matter if it's big or small. You have to be prepared to let it go so that you will have room for the new things in your life. There is a reason why on;y a small percentage of people in the world are successful. They realize that sacrifice is not an option. It's a must! You may have to give up time, money, relationships, freedom, sleep, your youth, and even some other aspirations, but in the end it will work out and all be worth it. You can have it all, you just have to be willing to give it your all.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Wake Your Butt Up...and Run!!

What was your new years resolution? Just as most of the world, mine was to drop some extra weight. However, that was four months ago and I'm JUST now starting on my journey to drop a few ounces. I felt inspired and decided that this would be a great topic to discuss because some of the disciplines you need to be successful in your career are the same ones that will allow you to obtain a healthy body and lifestyle. If we were to treat our bodies like we would treat our own business, there probably wouldn't be a need to have childhood obesity programs advertising along the freeways. So just like a business, obtaining and maintaining a healthy body takes sacrifice, commitment, and a plan. So, what are you waiting for? Wake your butt up and run!

Exercise is a form of pain. You have to do it and sacrifice your personal comfort often in order to get the results you want. Even if you consider yourself physically fit, you still need to exercise a few times a week. Not doing that is like having a talent, and after you have mastered it you decide that you don't need to practice anymore. The reality is that there is ALWAYS room for improvement no matter what level your at. Most people are willing to sacrifice, but for how long? How long are you willing to commit to improving your lifestyle? This is a life long journey, not a diet. Diets are made to be broken. You have to think about this as a lifestyle change and integrate it into your daily routine. Think of it as a marriage; till death do you part. That's what kind of commitment level you have to have. So don't be afraid of a three year gym membership because you will need to think about this as a long term thing. Furthermore, if $29.00 a month for 36 months will help you improve your lifestyle, then why not take this thing by the horns and commit to that?

Lastly, after you've sacrificed and committed, you will need a plan. Without a plan, you can't hold yourself responsible. Plan to eat better, fresher foods. Just something simple, like cutting out junk foods will do your body wonders. Here's a challenge. For a week don't eat anything with a label on it. So at the grocery store that leaves the fresh produce section, seafood and meats from the butcher, cheese from the deli, and bread from the bakery. It may seem a little extreme at first, but that's just a natural way of eating. And you will feel your body start to change for the better. When you feel good you're more likely to get more things done. Moreover, the more work you get done, the more you will be rewarded. It all goes together.

*The views expressed in this blog are solely views of our own. Consult your physician/personal trainer/nutritionist to create the best plan for you*

So join the Sleep is 4 Suckers movement and purchase some dope workout gear Click Here!
Follow us on Twitter @martacious @sleepis4suckers @si4s

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Company You Keep

Why are your friends your friends? Have you just known each other for a while and decided they were ok to consider a close companion? Do you have a lot of things in common or think the same way? Usually the reason why you hang out with the people you hang out with is because you have the same interests and agree on the same things. You do, say, and watch similar things, and you may even have the same philosophy, but eventually you will probably make around the same amount of money. I hope you and your besties have the same goals in life because you could end up exactly like them. 

Picture your friends lives 5-10 years from now. Are they successful and living a life you wouldn't mind living? If they aren't making goals now and working towards having a successful future, odds are they never will. In order for you to get to where you want to be in life, you will need to surround all aspects of your life with things or people you can look up to. If your friends aren't supporting you and your goals and they don't have anything that you can admire about them, then you should probably remove yourself from the situation. I'm not saying dump your best friend of 15 years. I strongly believe that you should have two sets of friends, personal and business. Hang around people who have a better drive than you, make more money than you, and people who are essentially more successful. You will then push yourself to be more like them as opposed to the blind leading the blind in a group of friends with lower ambitions. In order the be all that you can be, you will need to be mentored by someone who has already been down the road you are currently traveling on. These people should not try to hold you back or make you feel bad about wanting more out of life.

Your environment will change you before you change it. Make sure that you are doing all that you can to reach your goals. If that means befriending more successful people and taking their advice more than you taking the advice of a good friend that isn't necessarily going the same places you are, then so be it! Look for someone who won't mind taking you under their wings by motivating you and teaching you new things.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Doubt and Toxic Thoughts

There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills.

Doubt. We all have it, and some have it more than others. Its one of the most dangerous things that your mind can conjure because if you doubt yourself then who else will believe in you? Even though just about everyone has their fair share of uncertainty, doubt is the biggest single thing that separates the successful from the failures and the haves from the have nots. It along with other toxic thoughts will be the downfall of your career if you don't learn how to control them.

First off, let me start by saying that everyone who has ever had a dream has probably also thought about the chances of that dream not coming true. From there they will either take that fear and let it be a motivational force, or they will allow that fear to hold them back. Obviously, in order to be successful, you cannot allow the latter to happen. It's now or never! This is how it starts off. Just one little thought of a negative "what if...?" turns into something that you start thinking about constantly. Your thoughts become actions and your actions become reality. Next thing you know, the thing that you feared most has come to past, but only because it was allowed to. 

So the next time when you think "what if...?", counteract it with a positive thought, like a quote or envisioning something positive. Your mind will focus more on the good than the bad, and that good energy will bring good results. The trick is to not give negative energy/thoughts any power in your life. Once they start to form, shut them down as quickly as possible. Negative thinkers and doubters never get that far in life. So stay positive and think good thoughts. Good things are bound to blow your way.

To join the Sleep is 4 Suckers movement and purchase your Sleep is 4 Suckers gear Click here.
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @martacious @sleepis4suckers @si4s

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Oh, That's How You Feel?

First impressions are very important. You don't want to give away too much, but at the same time you don't want to be too secretive. Therefore, you have to know the appropriate attire to wear in any given situation, and more importantly, you have to wear the right color. Color is powerful. It speaks volumes about who you are and how you feel. If you want to seem in charge and confident then wear red or an all white outfit (if you can pull it off). To come off fun and exciting wear something bright like yellow or even a bright purple. When you're trying to blend in or play it safe and not really call attention to yourself, then by all means go for black. Every time you walk out the door you should have a theme. How is your mood that day? How do you want people to see you? Those are all questions that determine your theme of the day and what you should wear. It keeps fashion interesting, and it forces you to communicate with other people.

Good communication can take you a long way in your business and personal life. Using color to help you is a small, yet powerful way to do that without requiring too much effort. Moreover, whatever hue you are wearing has to be appropriate for the venue you're going to regardless of how you feel. For example, If you follow our president you will see that he follows these rules. You will never see him in a navy power suit with a red tie when talking to the middle class about creating more jobs. He's most likely wearing a dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up and a soft colored tie. Without even opening his mouth he is saying I understand what you're going through, and I care about changing it. The people see that and they open up to what he has to say. If that doesn't do it for you, here's another example. Wearing red to someone else's wedding. It's a no no, and you just don't do it. Red is too powerful and it takes the attention off of the bride. You don't want to look like an attention whore on somebody's special day. That is not acceptable.

In the end, fashion is what you make it. It can hurt you or help you. Being mindful of color can be a tremendous help to you and your future, whether it's your personal life or your career. Don't be afraid to explore, just make sure that you are sending out the correct message that you want other people to interpret.

To join the Sleep is 4 Suckers movement and purchase your Sleep is 4 Suckers gear Click here.
 Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @martacious @sleepis4suckers @si4s

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Young & Restless

We do things completely different than we did 50 years ago. Every aspect of popular culture, religion, lifestyle, and even the way we do business has changed. It seems like today's biggest entrepreneurs are getting younger and younger. Thanks to popular sites such as YouTube and the once popular MySpace, so many people have been able to take their career to the next level (i.e. Justin Bieber via YouTube and Mark Zuckerberg via Facebook). Because success is closer than it has ever been, there's been a new breed of entrepreneurs. They are relentless when it comes to "making it". They seemingly have no fear against the obstacles they face. They have newer and better resources than past generations. They are the future, the new entrepreneurs. They are The Young & Restless.

TY&R are not hard to spot. They may not look like it at first glance, but take a second look and you will see they are equipped for success. You may not see a briefcase or even a laptop bag, but they will have their smart phone and ipad ready to write notes, make memos, and pencil you in on their calendar. You won't get a business card with a phone number and address. Instead, it will have their email, Facebook, and Twitter addresses, so that you can get to know them more personally and contact them directly. Normal business meetings aren't held in a boardroom in an office space. It's most likely taking place where ever they are via Skype or FaceTime. That way they can be reached any hour of the day no matter where they are. The Young & Restless may not even look like a future CEO without ties, slacks, and button up shirts. However, don't mistake someone in a Sleep is 4 Suckers tee, jeans, and sneakers as someone who is unprofessional and can't deliver. If you do, then you obviously don't know the meaning behind the brand on their chest. What we're doing is starting a revolution. Turning hobbies into careers and multimillion dollar empires. Look at Jay-Z for example. He started off as a drug dealer. Later, he started rapping, and he took his influence from that career and created an empire. He now is co-owner of the 40/40 club, part owner of the New Jersey Nets, has a clothing line, and is founder of Roc Nation, a record label, management, music publishing, and entertainment company. Looking at him on a normal day, you would never think that he has accomplished as much as he has. This is where we get inspired to take one thing, turn it into something, and then transform it into another without so much as an ivy league degree.

Although there are some drastic changes as far as how we do business now, there are still somethings that haven't changed. If you take a step back and look at all the successful people in the world, you will see that everyone has had an extraordinary drive and passion to succeed. No matter if you have quill and ink or the newest ipad, if you don't have the passion for what you are doing and the drive to take you there then you will never reach your destination. When it comes down to it, the only thing that can take you to the next level is you. Take advantage of the luxuries you are afforded in this modern day society, but more importantly, never lose sight of what you want to achieve.

To join the Sleep is 4 Suckers movement and purchase "The Young and Restless" T-shirt (both men's and women's available) Click Here!
Follow us on Twitter @martacious @sleepis4suckers @si4s

Do You Know The Secret?

How powerful is your will power? Do you think you can call things into being by just speaking about it? It sounds insane, but it may be true, depending on how you look at it. A book called The Secret claims that you can do just that. It tells you that you can have whatever you want just by thinking it, speaking it, and living it. While it may be a little controversial, depending on your religious beliefs, it starts to make better sense when you replace the usage of their "universe" with God. See for yourself and be the judge. Watch the first 30 minutes of The Secret the movie below. You may learn a new way of thinking...

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Short Version of Why It's Sometimes Better to Learn From Experience

You've heard it before: if you don't have a plan, then you plan to fail. For the most part, that is true, but the reality is no one can anticipate every single thing that's going to happen, especially when talking about life and all the things that can and will go wrong. It is my personal belief that you learn more and get more out of things when you just do them. If you do it right you will save the time you would have wasted thinking about how to do it, and if you do it wrong then you know how not to do it again. Even though there are certain things that you should always have a plan for, don't plan so much that you become paralyzed in the muck of your research. For example, A baby doesn't plan how to walk. They learn from experience by falling down and getting back up a million times before they actually learn how to walk. Never do they give up on the hopes taking that first step. It takes failure and not knowing what you're going to do in order to get where you need to be. In short, life is full of inconsistencies. The only thing that should stay consistent is your persistence.

To join the Sleep is 4 Suckers movement and purchase your Sleep is 4 Suckers gear Click here.
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @martacious @sleepis4suckers @si4s

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sleep is 4 Suckers' First Fashion Show

Rewind to January 30, 2012. Toung and Groove lounge is packed. The drinks are flowing, the go-go’s are dancing, and everyone is having a good time in anticipation for the reveal of the new Sleep is 4 Suckers gear. About 2 hours into the event, the music changes, the lights low, and everyone turns their focus to the vip area which doubles as the catwalk. Model after model strut down the runway with a swag that can only be found in Atlanta. Some vixens walk out alone and others are accompanied by a handsome male model, showing the versatility of this laid-back collection. I am amazed at how many different ways one can alter the Si4S gear to reflect personal style. Hoodies are chopped asymmetrically right below bra lines, and color blocking and adding heels dress the t-shirt up. The guys, on the other hand, tend to keep it casual with either a fitted hat or jean jacket. Swag. I can’t help to come to the conclusion that the brand on their busty chests and ripped backs (one of the male models took off his shirt) is the reason for all the swag oozing off the catwalk. But I could be wrong. It could be the awesome music mix being spun by the dj. It could be the fact that everyone was tipsy and everything just seemed so much more amazing. It could also be the fact that people got to see a rare glimpse inside the beginning of an empire. Whatever it was, it worked, and I liked it.

In case you missed the show, you can catch a recap of it below
 To be apart of the Sleep is 4 Suckers movement and purchase some of the dope apparel seen in this video Click Here and go to the official Sleep is 4 Suckers website now!

 ...and don't forget to follow us on twitter @martacious @Sleepis4Suckers @si4s

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A different Perspective

Sometimes in life thinking about the future and where it will lead us is a bit intimidating. It can be so intimidating that we may be too scared to push on and move forward. When that happens then its time to start looking at it from a different perspective. The following  excerpt allows you to do just that.It is a letter that Oprah Winfrey wrote to her 19 year old self, and it's featured in next month's 'O' magazine. She talks about her getting a job as a reporter for a news station and being nervous about balancing that and school at the same time. She also gives herself words of encouragement about accepting her past molestation by telling herself that she is beautiful. After reading it you start to take a step back and realize that everyone who is successful now has had to start from the bottom. They weren't always sure of themselves, but they never gave up. The letter is a breath of fresh air; it is simply inspirational.
Dear beautiful brown-skinned girl,
I look into your eyes and see the light and hope of myself.
In this photo you are just about to turn 20, posing outside the television station where you were recently hired as a reporter. You’re proud of yourself for getting the job, but uncertain you’ll be able to manage all your college classes before 1 and arrive at the station by 1:30 for a full day’s work. Even so, your biggest concern is how to manage your love life with Bubba. Yes, you are dating someone named Bubba.
On this day you’ve brought him to the station to see where you work, hoping he’ll be proud, too. He seems less than impressed. The truth is, he’s intimidated. You don’t know this, though, because you can see yourself only through his eyes. A lesson you will have to learn again and again: to see yourself with your own eyes, to love yourself from your own heart.
You’ve spent too many days and years trying to please others and be what they wanted you to be. You will have to learn that the wounds of your past—rape, molestation, whippings for “stepping out of place,” and not being allowed to show anger or cry afterward—damaged your self-esteem. Yet through it all, you’ve held on to a belief in God and God’s belief in you.
That will be your single greatest gift: knowing there is a power greater than yourself and trusting that Force to guide you.
The trajectory of your life changed the day you answered the call from Chris Clark, the news director at WLAC-TV. Your response was ignited by the words of your then-favorite Bible verse, Philippians 3:14. “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Knowing there is a “high calling” is what will sustain and fulfill you.
From where I sit now, viewing your journey, there are few regrets. Only months before this picture was taken, you wrote a poem about a “woman becoming.” Even then you understood that success was a process and that moving with the flow of life and not against it would be your greatest achievement.
Love you deeply,

To join the Sleep is 4 Suckers movement and purchase your Sleep is 4 Suckers gear Click here.
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @martacious @sleepis4suckers @si4s 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

No Days Off: How Much Weekends Off Really Cost You

In this job market today, anyone who has a full-time job and is working 40 hours a week Monday through Friday is doing good. You're making enough money to live comfortably and provide for yourself and your family, so why do any more work than you have to? No one in their right minds would work 7 days straight, right? Correct. Actually nobody in their right minds would work everyday of the week, taking no breaks or holidays off. Only people who are crazy, driven, and passionate about success would take no days off. We call those insane people Night Crawlers, and they inspired the concept of Sleep is 4 Suckers.

The idea of working everyday to achieve a goal calls for sacrifice. It's not about giving up an extra two days of overtime at a normal job. Its something far more precious. It's about success and being financially secure in the future. Working on something that may not pay off for months or even years from now is essential to that idea because the more time, effort, and hard work you put into something, the bigger your reward will be. What about you? Would you rather work 5 days a week for the next 45 years and then retire? Hopefully you will have enough in your 401k to support you for the next 20+ years; otherwise, you will end up back in the workforce. That's not the American dream, but so many people are living it today.

Instead, why not work extra hard while you're young, and create something that will make you money for the rest of your life? You don't have to have your own business. You could make investments, go back to school in order to get a higher paying job, or just diversify your income with different side hustles. Its a concept that is simple, but so many people get caught up in instant gratification that they are not willing to sacrifice that for their future success. To get a better perspective on this concept, here's an example. Two people have the same job working for $10.00 an hour, 40 hours a week. Before taxes, that makes around $400.00 a week, $1600.00 a month, and $19,200 a year. However, one of these people has a side job that they work on the weekends. They make gift baskets that they can sell for different occasions and holidays, and they gross roughly an extra $100.00 a week. Sure an extra $100 bucks isn't enough to quit their job over, but its allowing them to make an extra $400.00 a month which adds up to an extra $5,000.00 a year. That's money that they otherwise would not have if it weren't for them giving up their weekends and working when they didn't have to. Moreover, with the right tools and proper business plans, they can turn that little small hobby into a booming business, having the potential to earn them money for the rest of their lives. It's an approach that can be used by anyone, at any level.

Just hink about it. What is your weekend hustle going to be? What is going to get you out of the mindset that you have to work in order to survive the next month? The reality is, you need to make a living, not only for today but for tomorrow and for years to come.The earlier you realize it and start working on it, the better your future will be. Keep in mind that no hard work ever returns void. Your effort will equal your reward, if not exceed it. Now get up and go work!

To join the Sleep is 4 Suckers movement and purchase your "No Days Off" t-shirt Click here.
 Follow us on Twitter @martacious @sleepis4suckers @si4s

Monday, April 9, 2012

What is "Sleep" and Why do we Need More of it?

In the normal world they say we need 6-8 hours of sleep in order to live a healthy lifestyle, but for Night Crawlers the term sleep is used anytime someone is doing something that isn't productive. It applies to anyone, at any stage of success. If a person isn't doing anything to improve their circumstances or the circumstances of others, then they are sleeping. Here's how the story goes...a person has a dream, an ultimate career that they spend most of their lives trying to achieve. Once they get there they think "finally a chance to sit back and relax and do nothing but sustain myself", and they get comfortable doing just that. There is no shame in sleeping because they feel like they deserve it, and people tell them that they deserve it, and they think they're right. However, a few moments after they stop working towards a goal they start to lose passion, and pretty soon they become complacent. Complacency is never a good place to be because sooner or later you stop learning how to grow and thrive, and you merely survive.

The big question now is why? Why must we get like this at every stage of success? Turn on the tv and what do you see? There are 13 commercials in an hour telling us (literally and subliminally) that its ok to be lazy, take a shortcut, or not do anything at all. So is the world purposely sending messages that its ok to "sleep"
and get complacent just so someone else can get ahead? Take the commercial for the new product "Forever Lazy" for example. It's basically a fleece onesie that someone can put on and lounge around in without being inconvenienced by a cumbersome blanket. The commercial shows frame after frame of people laying around, watching tv, or talking on the phone. On the other hand, they do make a measly mention of doing homework, but honestly the thing is probably so comfortable that your child may fall asleep before they can even get to their third math problem. Its all about relaxation and enjoying yourself, and there is nothing wrong with that when done in moderation. Consequently, sitting around all day watching tv in an over-sized jumpsuit isn't helping you, and it isn't helping anyone else except the people manufacturing the product.

Take this into your own hands. Go against what the Jones' are doing and strive to do something positive every single day of your life. Do something (other than going to your normal job) that would be considered productive. You can do as much as write a business plan and get business cards made, or you can do something simple, but still impactful, like start exercising or do community service. That being said, don't think that its ok to never chill and take a break. That's how we keep our sanity, so it's ok to rest but not to sleep. If you lose sleep doing what you love, you will eventually live the dream that you only would have dreamt...Sleep is 4 Suckers!

 To be apart of the Sleep is 4 Suckers movement and purchase some dope apparel Click Here and go to the official Sleep is 4 Suckers website now!

 ...and don't forget to follow us on twitter @martacious @Sleepis4Suckers @si4s